Waterproofing & Traffic Coatings
MCP is a specialized installer of fluid-applied poly-methyl methacrylates (PMMAs) and polyurethane traffic coatings systems. These one or two-component systems will supply waterproofing, improve aesthetics, and protect concrete surfaces. We use quality coatings products to ensure that your waterproofing system provides extreme durability and abrasion resistance while maintaining elasticity and crack bridging properties. Reach out today and speak with us about your waterproofing needs!
Floor Leveling & Underlayments
We can grind off high-spots or fill in low-spots to address localized slab elevation issues. For global or widespread elevation issues, MCP can supply and install leveling services in the form of an underlayment. We will prepare your concrete substrate to perfection to ensure a long-lasting bond. We then prime with industry leading chemistry and provide you with a level surface for your future floor coverings. Contact us today!
Poured & Polished Overlayments
There is nothing like the beauty of a polished concrete overlayment! Polished overlayments are installed to create a consistent and “like-new” surface for our clients. We can install a polished overlayment on new or existing concrete surfaces. We prep, prime, pour, and polish to perfection for a magnificent and long-lasting floor solution. Is a polished overlayment right for you?
Multipurpose Hybrid Sports Flooring
These floors combine the best characteristics of solids and fluids for the ultimate multipurpose floor solution! We start by installing an upcycled polymer mat over your concrete or wood substrate to provide shock absorption. We then topcoat over the mat with fluid-applied polyurethane wear coats. The result is a beautiful and shock resistant floor with excellent chemical resistance. The sky is the limit when it comes to design capabilities!
Decorative Concrete Microtoppings
Concrete microtoppings are an excellent option for those who want a modern and tactile flooring solution. Concrete microtoppings can be installed indoors or outdoors and they are an excellent canvas for decorative colors and designs. MCP also frequently uses concrete microtoppings to renew and restore the surfaces of existing concrete slabs, which greatly improves aesthetics and prevents costly demolition and removal. Is a concrete microtopping right for you? Call us today to find out!
Industrial Concrete Finishes
Industrial concrete floors can greatly benefit from low-cost, high-value concrete floor finishes. Most simply, MCP can supply and install a concrete densifier to harden and dustproof your industrial concrete slab to promote long-term impact and abrasion resistance properties. Added services include installation of a penetrating stain guard to promote fluid repellency and stain resistance. Do you like a smooth, shiny floor? MCP can burnish or hone your industrial concrete slab to promote light reflectivity and enhanced serviceability. Give us a call to talk about reducing costs by improving the performance from your industrial concrete slab!
Concrete Slab Repair
If you are like us, your concrete floor is the hardest working component of your building. A damaged slab is a safety hazard and it can lead to lost production time and increased maintenance costs. Don’t worry, we have you covered! Common slab issues include spalling, cracking, curling, scaling, delamination, pop-outs, and blisters. No matter what you are up against, MCP can provide durable and long-lasting repairs to restore surface continuity and get you back in service!
Moisture Vapor Emissions Control
The number one cause for premature flooring failure is moisture! We keep the water out with a moisture vapor epoxy system. We are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and materials to make sure that a premature flooring failure due to moisture is not your reality. Whether it is high relative humidity in the slab, a high moisture vapor emission rate, or both - we’ve got you covered! We can also step in and help if you are experiencing moisture related failure with your current floor coverings. Do you think water is your culprit? We can test your slab using our professional equipment and expertise.
Concrete Joint Filling, Caulking, & Repair
Odds are that your concrete slab has several different types of joints, each serving a slightly different purpose. Whether it is contraction (control) joints, construction joints, or isolation joints - we’ve got the right products and equipment to fill your needs. The main reasons for filling control joints are to prevent dirt and bacteria collection, spall prevention, and increased surface continuity. Should you be investing in jointing or caulking on your project? Contact us today to chat and find out!
Exterior Concrete Protection
Exterior concrete slabs are subject to more abuse than interior concrete slabs for a few main reasons: the freeze/thaw cycle, water & salt penetration, and UV exposure. These factors, and more, contribute to deterioration of your exterior concrete slab. The good news is that we can help! We can supply and install a silane/siloxane salt guard to repel water and prevent chemical attack of harsh salts, helping to keep your slab from premature failure. The low cost of protecting your exterior slab will shock you! Contact us today.
Concrete Slab Profiling & Milling
We make concrete profiling, shaving, and milling look easy with our fleet of planer/shaver equipment. Need to shave in some pitch? No problem! Curled slab near control joints making your flooring installation impossible? We’ve got it! You do not have to live with that hump in your slab. We can remove as much concrete as you need. We deploy industry leading dust control equipment to ensure the hygiene of your project and the safety of our personnel.
Vertical Wall Coatings
MCP uses fluid-applied flooring materials like epoxy and urethane in vertical wall applications to provide waterproofing, increase durability, and provide chemical resistance. Vertical wall coatings are common in healthcare, industrial applications, and meat-processing, but their use is not limited to commercial and industrial applications. Vertical wall coatings can also be used in residential applications to provide a robust and decorative wall finish in kennels, showers, or workshops. We will help you protect the integrity of your wall substrates - call us today!
And More!
Do you have a concrete or fluid-applied flooring issue that you don’t see listed here? Questions about an upcoming project or specification? Give us a call or submit an inquiry to find out if we can help.